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Luke Burgess

Dispensary Assistant

Luke started working at Oberon Pharmacy in early 2021 as his first job, Luke role in our team is a dispensary assistant, which means you will see him up the back of the shop with a smile. Luke loves working here due to the friendly environment created by all staff and customer interactions. 

Luke likes to spend his spare time playing music and spend quality time with his friends and families, he has lived in oberon his entire life attending the local primary schools and interacting with familar faces. 

Oberon Pharmacy

135 Oberon Street, Oberon 2787
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm  |  Sat 9:00am-1:00pm  |  Sun 9:00am-11:00pm 

Ph: 02 6336 1466  |  Fax: 02 6336 2280  |  Email: