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Lili Harvey

Pharmacy Assistant

Lili started working with us in 2021 and loves learning new things every day, she is a valuable part of the team in the role of pharmacy assistant, mainly working in retail but adapting to any role she may need to fill on the day. Lili loves working at Oberon Pharmacy as she is able to have lovely conversations with all our customers, interact with the wider community when doing deliveries , she loves to undo webster packs and talk with the staff. 

Lili spends her time split between two jobs, as well as working here you can find lili at her 2nd job working in a family business Cafe Oberon. Lili loves to hand out with her suasage dog Frankie the Frankurt!

Oberon Pharmacy

135 Oberon Street, Oberon 2787
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm  |  Sat 9:00am-1:00pm  |  Sun 9:00am-11:00pm 

Ph: 02 6336 1466  |  Fax: 02 6336 2280  |  Email: