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Alanah Bailey

Pharmacy Assistant

Alanah started working for Oberon Pharmacy in March 2022 and is a great member to our team, she has started a traineeship in community pharmacy. You will see Alanah greeting you with a big smile at one of our counters. 

Alanah coaches soccer on weekends and loves a good book to read. She also loves spending quality time with her family and enjoys watching the Penrith Panthers play each week.

Oberon Pharmacy

135 Oberon Street, Oberon 2787
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm  |  Sat 9:00am-1:00pm  |  Sun 9:00am-11:00pm 

Ph: 02 6336 1466  |  Fax: 02 6336 2280  |  Email: