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MyDNA - Unlock the Power of Your DNA

With a simple cheek swab, you'll unlock all the information you need for a healthier lifestyle and easier ways to manage your general health. 

MyDNA can explain some of the genetic variation between individuals, tailoring health and wellness recommendation - personalised right down to their DNA.

"Studies have shown hat provision of personalised and actionable advice through the disclosure of genetic information is more likely to result in behaviour change." - myDNA experts

All of the myDNA wellness genetic insights are through one simple at home swabbing kit that can be completed in 4 simple steps:

  1. Purchase kit and follow kit instructions - includes instructions on how to send your information to the labs
  2. Download the myDNA app
  3. Results delivered via email within 20 business days
  4. Enjoy your own personalised wellness insights and plans (consult your GP or local health professional for more information)

myDNA kits include analysis and insights for:

  • Strength Power & Endurance Potentials
  • Stamina
  • Injury Risk
  • Processing of Fats
  • Cravings & Appetite
  • Metabolism
  • Essential Vitamins
  • Your Immune System
  • Skin Aging
  • Over The Counter (OTC) Medications + More!


Available instore or online today. Speak with your pharmacist for more information. 

Oberon Pharmacy

135 Oberon Street, Oberon 2787
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm  |  Sat 9:00am-1:00pm  |  Sun 9:00am-11:00pm 

Ph: 02 6336 1466  |  Fax: 02 6336 2280  |  Email: